I am willing to help, pastor

September 15, 2016

Dear Pastor,

I enjoy reading your column and listening to your radio programme. I hope that you will get this message. I have been reading your column and I have noticed that a lot of young females are feeling depressed, getting on the wrong path.

I was reading your column and there was a letter about a young lady who went with a guy who had a foreign accent. She got pregnant and the guy left her with only J$2,000. I really felt so terrible for her. Now, most people would be ready to judge and say that she has no sense. Pastor, encouragement, motivation, and inspiration are what these young people need.

Life is not easy, but God is always there for me and as time goes by, my knowledge has increased. I have completed school. I have to give thanks. No matter what, I will love Jesus forever. I want to be there for those who need someone to listen to them, someone to talk to, also someone who will encourage. I know males go through the same things, too. I am willing to communicate with these individuals. I hope to hear from you soon.


Dear T.

Thanks for your concern and I am glad that you are a regular reader of my column and that you are willing to help those in need. I cannot divulge the names, addresses and telephone numbers of persons who write to me or any personal information about them without their permission.

However, if you feel that you are qualified to counsel, you can call my office and make an appointment to meet with me and perhaps I can use you as an assistant occasionally. However, if you have no training in counselling or psychology, I cannot use you.


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