My father is a very good man

September 28, 2016

Dear Pastor,

I have been reading your column since I was going to school. My father would buy the WEEKEND STAR and would read it before he watches the news on television. While he does that I would read your column. My mother used to read it too.

I remember my father looking for THE STAR during the week because he saw something in your column that he wanted to discuss with some of his friends and couldn't find it. He asked me if I took it up and I told him no, it was not true.

I took THE STAR to school to show my friends and I did not take it back home. I don't know if my father believed me, but that was the last time I took away THE STAR.

I am now married and my father is still reading your column. He listens to your radio programme every night. My mother can't keep up but my father, who is now retired, enjoys your show.

He uses you as an illustration; sometimes I call him 'Dear Pastor'.

My mother and father were living together for years and it is because of your encouragement on the radio and in the newspaper why he finally proposed to my mother.

She was so surprised when he asked her to marry him. I do not know if my father had another woman. He was very faithful to Mommy but he used to tell her that although they were not married, they were living better than some who were.


You cannot find a more caring man than my father. If my mother is not feeling well, my dad would do the cleaning of the house, the washing, the cooking, and would even sit on the bed and feed her, and that is all my mother wanted from him to get better.

Pastor, keep up the good work. You are helping many more people than you think.


Dear G.H.,

Your parents are good people. They have set a good example for you although they got married late. They respect each other and they are loyal to each other. The love they have for each other is strong. What more can a woman want from a man? If he is loyal and faithful to her that is a great blessing.

Some men offer money to their women but they are not faithful. Some men cannot buy their women expensive cars and costly jewellery but their love for their women is strong and nobody can come between them.

Some men have lots of women and they try to buy love with money but money cannot buy a virtuous woman. Thanks for writing. You have wonderful parents. Try and put into practice what you have learnt from your parents in your relationship.


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