Women cheat because men are mean!


October 07, 2016

Dear Pastor,

I think that many women cheat because the men are too mean and worthless, and only think about themselves. They are boring and they only want to do one kind of sex. A man should be kind, generous, loving and flexible; and he should make the woman feel satisfied in every way.


Dear M.J.,

If a woman's man is mean and boring, wouldn't it be better for the woman to end the relationship with the man instead of cheating on him?

Although a woman may say a man is mean and boring, and she is still taking whatever he can afford to give her and pretending that she loves him, such a woman is bad and she is playing with her life.

So, if you know that your man is not giving you what you want, it is better for you to go your way and not play around with other men. I beg you, don't do it.


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