Desperate to get a better education

November 15, 2019

Dear Pastor,

I'm a regular reader of your column. I'm a 17-year-old young man who is facing difficulties. I graduated from high school this year with four CXC subjects.

My mother could not afford to send me back to school, so I'm at home frustrated. I applied to the HEART institution from September, but up to this day I haven't got any call.

I would like to work so that I could send myself to evening classes. I'm trying to get mathematics and a science subject.

If you can help in any way, please let me know. I'm from Clarendon.


Dear T.M.,

I wonder how many doors you have knocked. How many business places have you checked? How many letters have you written?

Have you ever volunteered your service to any organisation? Have you ever spoken to the minister of your church and appealed for help?

When people know that you are trying to get an education, many may come to your aid.

You are 17, don't feel sorry for yourself. Try to help yourself. However, if anyone is willing to help you, I will contact you.


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