Judgement Day nuh come yet - Disaster wasn't caused because the Creator is upset, says Mr Vegas

November 24, 2017
Rubis Gas Station in downtown Montego Bay was covered in mud.
Mr Vegas
Tommy Lee Sparta

The recent flooding in Montego Bay are being dubbed by many as a warning to the residents of that parish to get their act together because God is not pleased.

Among the persons who believe the recent floods should be taken as a sign from God is entertainer Tommy Lee Sparta. According to the deejay, the devastation caused by the heavy rains is the creators’ way of showing his displeasure with the crime and violence in that parish.

In a post made on his Instagram page, the entertainer urged residents to come together to end crime and violence because, according top him, "God don’t like wah gwaan."

“Montego Bay unno see that God a show unno a sign. The killing need to stop,” the post read. “Take this as a warning please, we need to come together and put a stop to crime and violence."

His sentiments were echoed by several other entertainers, including Bounty Killer and Razor B, who commented under his post, dubbing the floods as a ‘sign of the time’.

However, while many are quick to link the devastation in Montego Bay with something spiritual, at least one deejay is not convinced that both are connected.

Reggae and gospel artiste Mr Vegas told THE WEEKEND STAR that he doesn’t believe the flooding has anything to do with God being upset at Montegonians for the atrocities taking place there. The entertainer explained that crime has been affecting the entire Jamaica, and by extension the world, so he doesn’t see why God would single out Montego Bay.


“God vex wid the whole world. So how comes Parliament and their members that has implemented the ‘one world order system' nuh flood out,” he said, pointing out that the floods could just have been a result of improper drainage and man’s inability to properly manage their waste.

“The Chinese and Jamaicans continue to dump waste in areas that are supposed to be dump free therefore, the whole Jamaica soon flood out like the days of Noah!”

Mr Vegas believes Jamaicans should not be quick to label the floods as a ‘sign’ pointing out that the day when God will pour out his wrath upon the world has not yet arrived.

“Day of Judgement nuh come yet,” he said. “Matthew 24:6 says ‘You will hear of wars and rumours of wars but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.”

The entire island had been experiencing the effects of heavy rains between Tuesday and Wednesday, but based on the images and videos circulating of the extent of the damage caused by these rains, no parish or town has been as badly affected as Montego Bay.

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