Persons in quarantine pleased with better treatment
Days after the Ministry of Health & Wellness (MOHW) promised to launch an investigation into the numerous complaints of ill treatment in quarantine facilities, persons are reporting an improvement.
"We have seen improvements, everything is much better. There is a big improvement in the food," one person told THE STAR. "Before we usually get food late but from everything publish over the news, we start getting food on time and everything is well presentable. The food is way better than what we usually get before. It's not as oily and I can see that they are definitely trying."
Her concerns
Likewise Jane*, who initially reached out to the team with her concerns, said she now applauds the efforts being made to improve the service.
"I appreciate the changes that I'm seeing. There has been a significant difference in the quality of food now being served," she said. "The treatment is much better now. Since the health minister came here I've seen improvements. Everything is much better than last week because it was horrible."
Jane, who tested positive for the novel coronavirus on April 12, had complained about being in isolation for a month without any follow-up testing. However, she has done two follow-up tests over the past few days.
"I'm just waiting on the results now, so I do feel better about the situation now and I'm more comfortable," she said. As regards to the nurses at the facility, persons have also seen significant changes in their behaviour.
"The nurses remain professional and they do keep us up to date with things that are happening," said Jane. "It's a good feeling that our voices were heard and it did not fall on deaf ears. Now it is easier for me to cope until I go home."
*Name changed