Direct Relief donates US$3 million to health sector

May 02, 2024

The non-profit humanitarian group Direct Relief, which has a strong global outreach programme spanning over 100 countries, donated US$3 million (approximately $465 million) to help to strengthen Jamaica's public health system.

House Speaker Juliet Holness, who spoke at the handover ceremony at the National Health Fund (NHF) facility on Marcus Garvey Drive, in St Andrew, said the donation will be channelled through the NHF.

"It is a massive donation, and Jamaica will be showing the rest of the Caribbean and the world what it will be able to do with your generous donation towards improving our solar energy delivery and how it will help the health facilities," said Holness. Health and Wellness Minister, Dr Christopher Tufton described the donation as an example of "investing in humanity".

Tufton used the opportunity to encourage more local partnerships for the health sector, adding that such support has immense reach for the population. He said more companies need to "recognise and appreciate" how they can impact development from contributions to a healthy society.

"We need to do more around giving back for the preservation of our people, and the preservation of the cycle that we have to exist in our environment, and I hope that the example of a Direct Relief is one that can be adopted," said Tufton.

Dr Byron Scott, chief operating officer with Direct Relief, said the group has had a history of supporting the health sector in Jamaica with equipment and very valuable items. He said the latest the donation is geared towards creating more resilience for Jamaica and the region. The group's mission is to improve the lives of people in poverty or emergency situations by providing the appropriate medical resources.

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