Wright claims athletes know about Levy’s substances

November 24, 2023
Ronald Levy
Ronald Levy
Dr Paul Wright
Dr Paul Wright

Respected physician and sports medicine specialist Dr Paul Wright believes athletes know that banned substances, GW501516- sulfoxide and GW501516-sulfone, taken in small doses, can assist in fat burning while increasing endurance.

According to a Radio Jamaica Sports report, these substances were found in the B sample of Jamaica's 110 metres hurdles Ronald Levy, which confirmed the findings of the A sample, which was done earlier this month.

"There are many cons associated with these substances as they are known to reduce the amount of cholesterol in persons with high levels of cholesterol that are having problems with their metabolic system. Athletes discovered that these drugs taken in small quantities, increase endurance and burn fat during exercises," Wright asserted.

Wright added that apart from those side effects, athletes can put their lives at risk as the drugs could have adverse effects on both the heart and liver. He added that in the past, tests have been conducted on the drugs but were immediately stopped due to the detrimental effects.

"It can have serious effects on your heart and liver. There were two tests done with these substances, and they were cut off immediately because of the adverse side effects. If you're caught with these drugs in your urine, then you're in serious problems," Wright noted.

Levy, 31, is a former Olympic bronze medallist and Commonwealth Games champion. Wright further explained that the drugs, when taken, take up to three months to be cleared from the body.

"The problem with these drugs is that they usually take about two to three months to come out of the system. WADA has found out that the athletes are abusing this to give them a boost or an edge when competing against other athletes," Wright explained.

Levy, who was tested out of competition, had initially declared his innocence in an Instagram post after the test on his A sample, that he didn't knowingly take the substances.

"I am stunned at the turn of events because I have always conducted myself with the highest level of integrity in the sport, which I love dearly and would never seek an unfair advantage. I intend to defend my integrity during this process because I am certain I did not knowingly breach the rules," the post read.


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