My church doesn't want me to marry my boyfriend
Dear Pastor,
I am in need of your advice. I am a Christian, but my boyfriend is not. We have been dating for three years. Now that I have become a Christian, I want to get married. He is willing to marry me, but my church brethren are saying he is a sinner, Christians shouldn't get married to sinners. One brother suggested I leave my boyfriend and date someone from the church. This is a much older man than I. He is nice, but I don't love him. He has a home but is divorced.
My boyfriend treats me well. I love him. Is it wrong for us to get married? He is waiting on me to accept his proposal. Sometimes I feel guilty having sex with him and going to church.
Dear R.T.,
At the risk of being condemned by many, I suggest you marry your boyfriend. You have been going together for three years, love each other, and have been having sex. I know the Bible says one should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers, but this man is quite willing to marry you. The relationship was established before you became a Christian. Therefore, I suggest you make this relationship official and legal by getting married.
If your pastor refuses to officiate at your wedding, I will gladly do it for you, but I hope he sees the wisdom in officiating.