Be taken up with God and godly things

October 24, 2015
George Henry Deaconess Florence Rankine

NAME: Florence Rankine

CHURCH: Bartons Baptist Church in St.Catherine.

POSITION: Deaconess, assistant superintendent for Sunday School and Sunday School teacher.

HOW LONG SINCE BEING SAVED: I have known myself walking with Christ from I was born. I had a mother who was very God-fearing and brought us up in the right way. I have been serving Christ as a born again Christian for more than 20 years.

TELL US ABOUT YOUR CONVICTION: I was brought up in the church knowing the awesomeness of God. I grew with God; and as I go along I see Him in His awesomeness, in His power, I have seen the great things that He has done in my life and in the life of so many persons. So I did not have a real one-off conviction, but it was a continuous reflection that brought me where I am now.

MOST CHALLENGING TIME SINCE BEING SAVED: I was studying, and while doing so my husband was abroad and nobody was at home; and thieves broke into my house and unfortunately it got burnt down. I lost everything. That was really a challenging time for me. However I have learnt to see challenges as strength; because I have recuperated so much from it that I can say that I am happy that it happened.

MOST MIRACULOUS MOMENT SINCE BEING SAVED: My continuous walk with God is a blessing. I believe that God has called me specially to preach and to teach the Gospel; and so in my experience in that way, so many miracles have been brought out. I have received the gift of speaking in tongues; I have received the gift of teaching; I have received the gift of patience; and there have been so many gifts from God that I can't even walk without holding His hand. I am just praying for strength to continue and even elevate myself much more that the fullness of God can be manifested through me and in me.

MESSAGE TO CHRISTIANS: Hold fast, live in faith, be examples, do not be too concerned about worldly things. Be taken up with God and godly things. I wish more of us would take up with that. Be continuous and steadfast in your walk with God because it is most important.

MESSAGE TO NON CHRISTIANS: Come taste and see that the Lord is good. Ever so often in despair you call on Him and He helps you. Why not come over and walk continuously with Him so that you can find out the awesomeness of the God, the gracious God, the loving God that we as Christians serve?


A LINE FROM your FAVOURITE SONG: 'I must have the Saviour with me, for I dear not walk alone'.


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