Try Jesus and trust Him.

November 14, 2015
George Henry Ryan Campbell

Name: Ryan Owain Campbell

Church: Mandeville and Greenvale Baptist churches in Manchester.

Position: Associate pastor

How long have you been saved? I have been saved since 2003.

How did you get your conviction? It is very interesting. I became ill. I fell ill during my first week of high school. I became ill on the Thursday and was absent from school the Friday. I went to the hospital the Saturday. While there, it was discovered that my spine was infected. It got infected because the doctor made a lumbar puncture. They were treating me for meningitis but did not know what was wrong with me, entirely. While I was in the hospital, a man who was admitted next to me, lent me his Bible. It was the New International Version (NIV). I was reading it for the first time. The Bible came alive to me. I had never seen the Bible like that. I never understood it so clearly before. I just started to reflect on my life, and decided that I didn't want to live like I was. Immediately, while in the hospital bed, I asked Jesus to come into my life and, miraculously, I got healed.

What has been your most challenging moment since being saved? One of my greatest challenges is learning how to truly trust God. I think, with each passing day, I am learning how to trust Him more. I think our problem as Christians is trust. If we can truly trust God, we'd be better Christians. I want to master trust like Abraham and learn how to really believe everything that He says.

What has been your most miraculous moment since being saved? I have had many. I have seen a woman's foot grow before my eyes. I have seen people being delivered and healed from various ailments and illnesses. However, none, for me, could stand out more than when I was sick and healed without doctors' intervention.

Message to Christians: Learn how to develop a life of trusting. Hold God at His word and believe that His promises will be fulfilled if we continue to be faithful to Him.

Message to non-Christians: There is no other life that is more amazing than the life lived for Christ. Every other thing is wasted. It might seem as if it is good now, but that is just a one-dimensional view. As one who has had the best of both worlds, I can tell you that being a Christian far supersedes being an unsaved. Try Jesus and try and trust Him.

Favourite Bible scripture: Romans 8:28

Favourite song: I have many favourites, but my favourites are seasonal and based on what I am going through.


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