I did not want to go to Hell

January 30, 2016
George Henry Pastor Novel Wilson

Name: Novel Wilson

Church: Church of God of Prophecy, at Naggo Head, St Catherine.

Position: Bishop

How long have you been saved? I have been saved for 43 years.

How did you get your conviction? I was grown up in the church. I came up to see my parents and my older siblings in the church. It was natural to go with them to church. However, at the age of 12, I went to church and heard a powerful message about Hell. It was there and then that I made a conscious decision that, based on how Hell was described, I did not want to go there. I decided that my life had to be in the hands of the Lord in order to escape that dreadful place.

Most challenging moment: It would have been at the age of 22 when I was called to enter ministry, and to go and pastor a church. It was a challenge because, at the time, I was called to do so I was not even married as yet. I figured that my going into ministry like that would necessitate me being married, so the first thing I did was to arrange to be married, and I got married that same year. I became a pastor in April of 1981 and got married in August of that year.

Most miraculous moment: Seeing lives being transformed and rearranged. For me, that stands out more than anything else. Seeing lives being changed and rearranged has been my most miraculous experience.

Message to Christians: As Christians, it is incumbent on us to live a life that the people of the world will see and know that, indeed, we are Christians. The Bible says that we should so live so that our lives can point others to Jesus Christ. In a time like now, when we have so much going on in the world and especially, in our country, I really think that, as Christians, we need to come together and demonstrate to the world that we are indeed the people of God.

Message to non-Christians: The end of all things is nigh at hand. It is absolutely necessary for people to put their trust and confidence in the Almighty God and, of such, turn your life around. Not too long from now the God of Heaven is going to come back again.

Favourite Bible scripture: Philippians 4:13.

Favourite chorus: 'What a lovely name the name of Jesus'.

Feedback: pehenrya@hotmail.com

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