God's return is nearer than you think!

February 06, 2016
Contributed George W Gibson

Name: George W Gibson

Church: White Sand Apostolic.

Position: District overseer for six apostolic churches.

How long have you been saved? I have been saved for 52 years and been a pastor for 42 of those years.

How did you get your conviction? At the age of 19 the Lord stepped into my life. My life was reformed, and I started to attend the Presbyterian Church. Shortly after, I became a member of the White Sand Apostolic Church where I was baptised in the name of Jesus Christ. I received the Holy Ghost and have been walking with the Lord, loving Him, serving Him and walking in renewed purpose for God.

What has been your most challenging moment since being saved? In my early days I had to journey on foot, four miles to church for morning worship, and four miles back. I used to walk another four miles, to and fro, for night service. I walked a total of 16 miles every Sunday for church - separate from midweek services. Since doing pastoral leadership, my most challenging encounter is seeing souls saved and backslide - returning to sin like a dog to its vomit.

What has been your most miraculous moment since being saved? My most miraculous encounter was when I prayed for a bishop who was admitted to hospital after he met in an accident. He received head injuries. I witnessed the bishop get off his bed and proclaimed that he was healed.

Message to Christians: Serve God in spirit and truth. Don't look back. The God who saved you is able to keep you until He returns to take His chosen, blood-washed people home. Be faithful to Him and remain in the secret place of the most high God, and you will abide under His shadow.

Message to non-Christians: Perilous times have come. Men have become lovers of the world more than lovers of God. They have become proud, covetous, unthankful and unholy. Christ's appearance is closer than ever. His coming is imminent. Trim your lamps, be ye watchful, be ye ready because His return is surer and nearer than you think.

Favourite Bible scripture: 1 Timothy 1:15

Favourite songs: I Would Like To Tell You What I Think Of Jesus, Down At The Cross Where my Saviour Died, I'm Pressing On The Upward Way, In Loving Kindness Jesus Came, It Is In My Heart A Melody Of Love Divine.

Feedback: pehenrya@hotmail.com

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