How to: Getting PATH benefits

April 08, 2016

The Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH) is aimed at delivering benefits by way of cash grants to the most needy and vulnerable in the society. If you are unable to provide for your basic needs, here is how to apply to be a PATH recipient:

1. Persons who can benefit from PATH are the unemployed, underemployed, persons who fall below the poverty line and any other needy person or group.

2. To qualify for PATH, an applicant must satisfy the eligibility criteria of the programme that he/she is a member of a poor family.

3. A proxy means test is the means through which the Ministry of Labour and Social Security can assess eligibility.

4. The applicant is interviewed and an application is completed with the help of ministry personnel.

5. The applicant will have to provide personal data pertaining to his or her family, including the levels of education attained, and the family's access to basic social amenities.

6. On the basis of the information submitted and the application of the electronic Beneficiary Identification System (BIS), families who meet the established criteria are selected.

7. Information provided at the interview will be verified through an unannounced home visit after which qualified applicants are registered to begin receiving payments.

8. Persons wishing to apply for assistance through PATH may visit the Ministry of Labour and Social Security parish offices.

9. The schedule of differentiated monthly benefits is as follows:

Grade Boys Girls

1 to 6 $825 $750

7 to 9 $1,075 $975

10 to13 $1,265 $1,150

10. Children 0 to 6 years receive $750 per month while all other categories receive $900 per month.

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