Life & Times : Little Clayton's life dedicated to God

January 14, 2017
Clayton Wilkinson (left) holds his baby son, while his wife and Deborah stands beside him with other family members as they listen attentively to Bishop Donald Dawson's instructions with other family members.

"Now that my child has been christened I will feel safer with him at home. I know that he will be more protected by God," said Deborah Wilkinson.

She shared her comments on New Year's Day after her baby, Clayton M. Wilkinson, was christened at the Sanguinetti New Testament Church of God in Clarendon, during Sunday Divine service, by Bishop Donald Dawson, host pastor.

Wilkinson, who is also a church member, told THE STAR's Life and Times that she will be doing all that is possible to ensure that her son grow up in the way of the Lord, and according to her, the best way at ensuring that this is a reality is to live by example.

Deborah and her husband Clayton were instructed by Bishop Dawson to ensure that their son is trained at all times.

"Train him when you are sitting down, train him when you are walking, train him when you are lying down, train him with the word of God in his hands, train him with the word of God before his eyes on a regular basis," he instructed. "We need to train our children with the word of God written on items in our homes."

Dawson pointed out that parents need to allow their children to realise the importance of reverence to God and to fear Him.

He added that if children were being given these instructions, some of the break-ins that are taking place in our churches today would not have occurred.




"They now happen because some of our children lack the sort of discipline that is supposed to be given to them by their parents," said Dawson.

In his prayer of dedication for little Clayton, the church leader thanked God for lending him to his parents and the church.

Dawson said he gave the baby back to Him in dedication, and asked God to cover him from head to toe.

He begged God not to allow any harm to come near him, and to break off every curse that would come near to him.

"Cover him at basic school, Lord; cover him at primary school, at high school, at college and university, or whatever trade this child desires. In the name of Jesus, we pray for blood coverage, we pray for protection for the father and the mother," prayed Bishop Dawson.

Little Clayton, who was born at the Mandeville Public Hospital in Manchester on September 29, 2016, weighed eight pounds, eight ounces at birth.

He was the first baby to be christened at the Sanguinetti New Testament Church since the start of 2017.



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