God is a healing god

January 21, 2017
George Henry photo Monica Howell

There are millions of Christians today who are convinced that, like in the days when Jesus Christ was on earth healing persons from sickness and diseases, He is still in the healing business.

One such believer who is convinced that her Saviour and Master still heals, saves and satisfies is Monica Howell of the Living Water Community Church at Four Paths in Clarendon.

Howell, who has been following Christ over the past 14 years, and who currently serves as a prayer mother at her church, testified that she was crippled for three years.

"I was crippled for three years. I could not go to the bathroom; I could do nothing. I was feeling pain day and night. But I started to seek God over and over, like Job. In the nights I would sit down and talk to the Lord. I would say Lord, what is this? While I was feeling the pain I kept pressing on and did not give up," testified Howell.


She shared that she trusted in amazing grace, continued attending church and doing the work of the Lord, even though she was crippled.

She added that during her illness, whenever she walked she did so with her back bent, and she was unable to stand up because of pain.

"I kept doing God's work until my body came back to normal. I sought the Lord in fasting and prayer and just never gave up. At midnight, I would get up and just pray to the Lord, and He answered my prayers and gave me visions upon visions until I received my healing, and started to walk good again," she shared.

Howell bragged that when she received her healing from God she felt light and started to worship like never before.

"I just felt so good. I am a living witness. I can tell people about God. God is good. He is a healer, a deliverer, and you have to just believe," she said.

She noted that at times persons pray and it seems God is not hearing.

"But I want to encourage persons to just hold on and not give up. Hold on to faith, because faith moves mountain," encouraged Howell.

Howell is convinced that God knows when to allow His people to cross over, so all they have to do is to be patient and wait upon Him.

"The Bible says, 'Wait upon the Lord and be of good courage, and He will strengthen your heart'. Just wait upon the Lord until your time comes. Just have faith in God and never give up," said Howell.

Feedback: pehenrya@hotmail.com

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