Life & Times : Andigee and Carlton say 'I do'

April 29, 2017
Andigee and Carlton marching down the aisle as man and wife.
The couple kneels as Bishop Reid says a word of prayer.

March 30, 2017 will long be remembered by Andigee Palmer and Carlton Clarke, and the more than 60 specially invited guests who shared in their happy moment.

It was the day on which the two exchanged marriage vows and rings to become man and wife.

The couple's special ceremony was held at the Mandevilla Place in Mandeville, Manchester, and from start to finish there was not a dull moment.

The bridal march started at 2:43 p.m. when members of the bridal party entered the venue.

Soon after, Bishop Dr O. Reid asked all to stand for Andigee and her brother, Donald Palmer, who acted as the giveaway father, to enter, and before long, Andigee was placed in the hands of Carlton and they marched to the well-known Lionel Richie hit My Love, to stand in front of the officiating minister for the ceremony to proceed.

The two exchanged vows, said 'I dos' and exchanged wedding rings. This was followed by words of encouragement from Bishop Reid.

In his words to the couple, Bishop Reid told them that married life stands on three columns: love, trust and respect.

"Love each other, butter each other with your love and the love of God. Respect each other and trust each other," recommended Bishop Reid.

He told the couple that although they love each other, there will be times when they will have disagreements, but they should always respect each other. The groom was told that he has a responsibility to provide for his wife and to protect her.

They were then asked by the pastor to kneel before each other. Their parents were then called to stand behind them as the pastor blessed the young couple with a word of prayer, after which they were pronounced as man and wife.




Carlton was then asked to perform his first kiss with his wife in public. This was followed by shouts of "yes" from an exuberant audience.

The couple then moved on to sign the marriage register, while Denver Whyte entertained with singing.

A candle-lighting ceremony was then conducted by Annette Cohen-Henry, followed by the reception at the same venue.

There was never a dull moment with Clive Warren as MC. His many jokes and requests of the couple to kiss whenever the guests requested added to the excitement in the hall.

The groom thanked all those who were in attendance and stressed that the occasion will never leave his mind. He thanked his mother, Beatrice Clarke, for giving birth to him so that he could live to see the occasion.

Clarke also thanked his mother-in-law, Blossom Morgan, for accepting him as part of her family and said he would do all to ensure his new wife was well taken care off.


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