Testimony: I am a miracle child

June 10, 2017
George Henry photo Adrian Gilchrist

Adrian Gilchrist is a member of the Chatham Seventh-day Adventist Church in St James. His walk with God started 29 years ago, and he is proud to be a Christian doing the work of his Maker.

Gilchrist currently serves in the capacity of Adventist Youth leader. He is responsible for planning programmes for the young people in his church, while serving as coordinator.

The young church leader shared that God has been doing great things in his life, and he is willing to continue serving Him. He also bragged that the Lord has worked miracles in his life as a Christian.

"I am a miracle child. I was born with bow legs, and was unable to stand up. As a child, each time I tried to stand up, I fell backwards and hit my head. I hit it so many times until the bone broke. I ended up damaging one of my eyes. My grandmother, who raised me, was told by persons in the family to take me to the doctor for my legs to be broken, but she would have none of that," Gilchrist said.

The church leader noted that by the goodness of God he grew out his deficiency, and many persons don't even remember that he had bow legs. He said God's love and mercy is boundless in his life, and that the experiences led to him committing his life to the Lord when he was 11 years old.

"From that point, the Lord has been leading me. He took me through the Northern Caribbean University (NCU) miraculously," said Gilchrist.


He shared that when he entered that institution to pursue his studies some years ago, he did not have any money even to pay his fare from Montego Bay to Manchester, where NCU is located.

"I got to Mandeville. I did not leave my house with any money. The following day, after arriving at the university, I decided to take a tour of the place. While touring, out of curiosity, I was speaking with the director of admissions, and she asked me if I would like to work in her department, and the way was paved then," he told THE STAR.

He said he worked for one semester and a summer, and the funds he earned for the work he did helped him to pay for his first tuition. Gilchrist shared that he enrolled at NCU and was able to study with the help of God's open arms.

"I went through by God's open arms and love. Never had I any outstanding balance, and I never had any money to pay for my tuition when I left home. Every semester, just in time for examinations, my money came on time. One time I got a call from the office saying that a lady came there looking for me, and she came and paid my tuition," Gilchrist said.

He pointed out that the lady did not leave any name. And even at the time he was giving his testimony, Gilchrist still did not know who she was.

"So the Lord has been working through my life. These things I have used as testimonies even to my young people. I used them to let them know that all God is asking us for is that we trust in Him. Nothing else. Allow Him to hold your hand, and He will guide you. That is what the Lord has been doing throughout my life. It has kept me humble and patient. I have learnt to hold on to His unchanging hands," testified Gilchrist.

Feedback: pehenrya@hotmail.com

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