Career: Sashagaye painting beautiful nails in Rollington Town

January 04, 2018
Errol Crosby/Photogrtapher Sashagaye Richards in her store, Glamarous.
Errol Crosby/Photogrtapher Owner of Glamarous Beauty Parlour, Sashagaye Richards (right) tends to a customer.
Errol Crosby/Photogrtapher Some of products at Glamarous Beauty Parlour.

Having the passion and drive from an early age to be in the beauty industry, Sashagaye Richards set her eyes on the prize.

"After I finished school, I started doing nails on my veranda and then a start walk around with basket and do house calls. From then I started saving my money," Richards told THE STAR.

She was encouraged to join a partner, which she has been in for the past nine years. She told the STAR that it was one of the best things she has done because it has given her the push she needed to save towards her ultimate goal.

"Me never trust the partner supm, but from it, me buy up me nails products and build me little table," said the Rollington Town, Kingston, resident.

Richards, who lost her mother at 14, said she moved from her veranda into a small space that could barley fit two persons. She now boasts about having her own shop, called Glamorous.


She has also expanded her business to selling hair products and hair extensions for persons who wish to add a layer or two to their hair.

Having a great family and community base is one of the things that Richards, 35, said propelled her forward.

"I had my family support, as well as the community. I could not have asked for better ... especially the bigga woman dem. They help me a lot," Richards said.

She has made her stamp in this beauty industry as she has got clients from as far as Montego Bay. She added that social media has also played a vital role in promoting her brand.

She told THE STAR that for persons who wish to start their own business, they just need to learn patience and humility.

"You have to be humble. If you put in a dolla you probably ago get back 10 cents. Things take time and you can't rush. Sometime it take six months to a year to see the first profit," she said.

"Sometimes I am here and I don t make any money for the day, and on another day I have a lot of customers You have to keep trying and stop watch other people and what they do. "

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