Can sinusitis cause asthma?

February 11, 2019

Wendell is a 36-year-old man who has recently noticed that his sinus condition has worsened, which is causing him to experience a lot of post-nasal dripping at the back of his throat.

This sometimes wakes him up at nights, and he feels short of breath, even wheezy.

He is very concerned about this recent development as he has never wheezed before. Wendell asks Check Up if sinus conditions can lead to developing asthma.

Whatever allergic stimulus has caused a worsening of Wendell's cold and post-nasal drip has also caused him to develop asthma.

Many studies have shown a connection between sinus infection and asthma.

They have revealed that people who have both sinusitis and asthma will have more severe asthma symptoms, will experience asthma attacks more frequently, and are likely to suffer with sleep disturbance.

The link between sinusitis and asthma is more commonly seen in women. People who suffer with acid reflux and who smoke are also more at risk of developing sinusitis.

It is always important to adequately treat asthma to prevent the sinus symptoms from worsening.

As thick mucous secretions drain from the back of the nose down the throat, this often triggers extensive coughing to clear the space, and this coughing and the secretions which also cause inflammation, can lead to bronchial constriction, or asthma.

So treat the sinusitis adequately! Ensure that you use:

* Steroidal nasal spray to reduce swelling and inflammation, which will allow the sinuses to function normally.

* Anti-histamine and decongestant medications.

* Leukotriene antagonists, e.g., Singular or Breathezy.

* Steam inhalations.

* Nasal irrigations.

* Antibiotics if the sinuses are infected with bacteria (symptoms are face pain and congestion with thick, yellow mucous and post-nasal drip).

* Reducing exposure to any allergens (materials which cause allergies to develop). Avoiding allergic triggers.

Also, if you are taking asthma medication (usually pumps), take them regularly and don't miss doses. This is really important if you have chronic sinusitis.

The data shows that one in five persons who have chronic sinusitis also have asthma, and asthma symptoms will improve after proper treatment of the sinusitis.

If the sinusitis has worsened and wheezing is being experienced, it will be best if Wendell visits his doctor for complete management.

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