Get involved in your kids academics - principal
Principal of Comfort Hall All-Age School in Manchester, Sherine Nicholson, is encouraging parents to become active in their children's academic pursuits.
The principal said some parents are absent from their children's academic life until the results of Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) are released.
"A lot of parents drop off the child in grade one and they don't come to the school again until it is time for the results to come out. We see it every year," said Nicholson.
Parents were charged to practise schoolwork with their children when they get home.
"Sometimes, the teachers send the homework home and you come back and it's not done, so it is clear that support at home needs to be up," she explained.
The principal, who has been at the helm of the school for three years, also said it was important for parents to attend the parent-teacher's association (PTA) meetings at the school.
"The same faces go to the PTA everytime. We need more parents to show up and get involved in their children's education," she said.
Nicholson expressed frustration at parents not purchasing well-needed resources as their children prepare for major examinations such as GSAT.
"We need them to get the textbooks and liaison with the teacher about what the child needs for the tests they have," she explained.
preferred choice
The dedicated principal told THE STAR that even though she holds GSAT classes for free every Saturday, some students still don't show up.
"That shows you that some parents aren't as keen as they'd like to think on their children doing well," she added.
The principal also stressed the importance of parents understanding the process of selecting the preferred choice of schools in GSAT.
"You have seven options. Parents need to understand that the child can be placed at any of the seven they choose even if it is not a traditional high school," she said. Parents were also implored to accept the results their children received by Nicholson.
"Children can do well at non-traditional schools, too. They just need the support of their parents coupled with determination, and they'll end up at the same university as the traditional high-school students," she added.
The school's top boy, Dante Reynor, who will be heading to Manchester High School in September, sang his principal praises.
"Her free Saturday classes were a big part of my preparation for GSAT, and for that, I am grateful because she didn't have to leave her home on Saturdays," said Reynolds.