J’can overseas longs for taste of Linstead Grand Market

December 17, 2021
Wayonne and Suzette Brown with their daughter Asiah.
Wayonne and Suzette Brown with their daughter Asiah.
Wayonne ‘Sookie’ Brown
Wayonne ‘Sookie’ Brown

Enjoying a Red Label Wine in the park, tricking the three card men and selling from his handcart are just three of the many things that Wayonne 'Sookie' Brown missed about Linstead Grand Market on Christmas Eve each year.

Brown, who hails from the St Catherine town, currently lives in Atlanta, in the US state of Georgia with his family. He has spent the last 10 Yuletide seasons in the US. But he stated that while he keeps up to date with the happenings at home, he often wishes he could experience the festivities in person.

"I miss going out and selling especially on Grand Market night in Linstead. I miss the people and the whole vibe. Linstead Market was what grow me. I miss walking from East Avenue to Tip Top Hill and just chill or just walk from one party to the next. I just haven't returned for the past 10 years because all of my family are overseas. I have a wife and four kids and stepchildren so making the trip for Christmas would be a bit expensive. But I am trying to build myself so I can return home in the next four years," Brown said.

Linstead is known to attract thousands of visitors for Grand Market on December 24.

"We used to go to Rose Duncan Park and just sit and watch the youth dem a buss clappas and drink mi Red Label Wine as a youth growing up. It was Christmas and it was the only time when you could have a drink," Brown said between laughter.

"We used to love play crown and anchor and my friends and I used to trick the three card men. My cousin used to bore his finger with a pin and stick the winning card so we always beating the three card men. We were crafty. My cousin used to mark the card with his blood from the finger that he bore and we just beat dem suh because a that them never use to like play with anyone from East Avenue," he added.

This Christmas, there will be a lot of reggae music and delicious Jamaican dishes in the Brown household.

"Just like back home, we cook and eat and just have a nice time. The only thing is that we can't go out and have a grand market like we are used to but we try our best to make it as Caribbean as possible. My wife is from St Lucia so we incorporate her culture in it as well. This holiday we will be baking and just doing the traditional stuff with the family," he said.

Brown and his wife Suzette are owners and operators of a Jamaican restaurant called S&S catering in Atlanta.

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