Taxi operator hit with firearm charges

March 21, 2025

Sleuths in Manchester have laid several charges against a taxi operator following an incident in the parish on March 12.

He has been identified as Anthony Wallace, 34, otherwise called 'Travis', of Rectory Land, May Pen, Clarendon. Reports from the Mandeville police are that about 2:42 a.m., Wallace and another man visited a premise and stole a Toyota Axio motor car. An alert was made to the police and on their arrival, the vehicle was spotted parked along the roadway. The police approached the vehicle and were confronted by two armed men who opened gunfire at them before escaping the area on foot.

An investigation was launched, and Wallace was listed as a person of interest. He later turned himself into the police on March 18 and was formally charged the following day, after a question-and-answer session in the presence of his attorney. He was charged with larceny of motor vehicle, shooting with intent, possession of a prohibited weapon, unauthorised possession of ammunition, and using a firearm to commit a felony.

His court date is being arranged.

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