I can't trust my girlfriend again
I can't trust my girlfriend again
Dear Pastor,
I am 35 and my girlfriend is 25. I used my father's car to go to her house and in the middle of the night when I was ready to leave my father's car would not start. My girlfriend told me I could use her car and in the morning bring the mechanic to see what's going on, so I agreed.
On my way home police officers stopped me and I reached into the car pocket and took out the documents. At the bottom of the car pocket there was an envelope and I curiously opened it and it was a card from a man showing half his body and his penis and a lot of sexy words like, "Do you like what you see, that's me?" I was so shocked. I could not believe that my girl was cheating on me. I became very nervous, but was able to go home.
The next day I went to see her. She knew something was wrong. I did not say anything to her, but I did not put back the card. The following day I went back to see her and I told her what I saw and she swore that she is not cheating. She said she never went to bed with him. I don't know how to trust her again.
Why would a guy send a girl that picture if they do not have anything going?
Dear B.L.,
I suggest that you accept what your girlfriend told you. The man who sent that sexy card is evidently trying to build a relationship with your woman. If he had sex with her he probably would have said, "I like what you gave me" etc. I could be wrong. but give your girlfriend another chance.
She was foolish enough to keep this card. She should have destroyed it immediately. That type of mistake she will never make again.