Three weeks after leaving he wants to come back home
Dear Pastor
I am 31 years old and I am a nurse. I am a Jamaican by birth. I have been married twice. My first husband and I have two children. He is a Jamaican. I got involved with another man who is an American. Whenever we get into arguments he tells me how his friends say how bad Jamaican women are. I told him yes and that's because we don't stand for foolishness. One night he went out and when he came back he was using expletives. He was so loud that one of the children woke up. I told him to go. I threatened to call the police so he left. When he came back he told me that he would take his things and leave because he wanted some space. He was away for three weeks and he called me and told me that he wanted to come back. He is not willing to go and see a counsellor.
Do you think that I should take him back?
Dear V.P.
Where ever this man is let him stay. No one should come to your house and be disrespectful to you. Any man who is always willing to attack or say negative things about Jamaican women have passed his place. He needs to get lost and no one should find him. Take your time, darling, you will find a different man. There are good men out there. Some folks say that they are hard to find but nothing good comes easy.