My taxi driver took my virginity
Dear Pastor,
I am 16. I am living with my mother. She is a businesswoman. I have never taken the bus to school. My mother hires taxis to take me to school.
The regular taxi that takes me to school is operated by an old man, but when he cannot come, he gets another man to take me. This guy is really sexy and speaks well. Everytime he gets out of the car and comes around to my side, I can see a big buff in his front.
One day he asked: "Why are you looking at me like that?", so I asked why he has such a big buff and he said: "Miss, you caused it. I love you." I asked him for his number and called him. I told him I loved him too.
I made a date with this guy and one Saturday when I should have gone to the library, I went with him. He took me to his sister's house and took my virginity. I feel I cannot do without him. I don't feel bad about it. I am doing well in school. I hope he would leave his babymother and I will be his wife some day.
Dear D.J.,
I feel sorry for your mother. I say that because she is doing her best to protect you and to do what she believes is good for you. I am sure she is making a sacrifice to pay a taxi to take you to and from school. Instead of honouring your mother by conducting yourself well, you have become sexually involved with a taxi driver.
I am not impressed by the fact that you are doing well in school. You mentioned that because you believe that as long as you are doing well in school, it doesn't matter whether you are immoral or moral. You have made yourself cheap and have made a big mistake. Try to walk the straight and narrow way.