Police said I am not fit to join the JCF

January 30, 2025

Dear Pastor,

I have written to you before and your reply suited me, but this time I am having a problem that gives me no hope of becoming what I really want to be.

Ever since I was a child, I wanted to become a police officer, but because I fell short on the number of subjects needed, I was not able to do so. A few years passed and I enrolled into an evening institution, where I did three Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate subjects. I earned two grade twos, and one grade three. Right after that, I did the entrance exam. I was successful and feeling so happy. After that I did the physical assessment which was also very successful. When it was time for the panel interview, everyone was moving and leaving me behind, so I started to wonder.

I decided to contact the person in charge of the group and he said that I was not recommended to continue the recruiting process, which left me so distraught and sad. He didn't explain what happened, so I tried to find out and I asked a family member from overseas. She said they said I went to school and am still in contact with persons the Jamaica Constabulary Force considers to be of questionable character.

To be honest, Pastor, that is a lie. I work hard every day and go right home. I don't even have one friend who I sit down with, so I am wondering if persons passed bad remarks about me. May I get your best suggestion? I am a very honest and innocent person. I have no idea what they are talking about, because I am not communicating with anyone I went to school with, and I have never been arrested by the police.


Dear Z.,

I am glad to hear from you again and I am very pleased to be informed that you have made very good progress in your educational standing.

You went back to school and evidently you studied hard and gained passes in the regional exams. I want to suggest that you should not give up, you should continue to study. Your goal is to become a member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force; you should continue to try. This person you said gave you information, from whom did he or she get that information? Don't accept that as a fact. I repeat, don't give up - try again.

Keep yourself away from bad company. Don't associate yourself with criminals or anyone who is in gangs. Many years ago, I met a woman and she kept failing certain subjects, but she kept on studying and taking the exams, and eventually she passed all the subjects and was qualified to enter teachers' college. That young woman became principal of a primary school. She was determined to do well and she excelled.

Keep trusting the Lord and pray. God will answer your prayers.


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