What is your true calling?

March 22, 2017
The late John Holt.

Tell me something, what is your true calling? What is your divine purpose? And one more thing, does your present circle of connections compromise or contribute to you fully actualising your calling and purpose?

I'm asking you some deep questions, don't it? I'm not just asking those questions of you though. I'm also asking them of myself. Yeah man!

Among the countless songs on John Holt's enduring 1970s (I Want) A Love I can Feel rhythm, is the 1980s hit song The First Time I Met You by Tony Tuff. The lyrics of that song expresses a man's deep desire for a woman; a desire that was instantly born the first time he met her. And in a moment of apparent marvel at the intensity of the connection, the lyricist asks the not-so-romantic-sounding questions, "A whey u fah? A whey u a do yah?"




Well, I'm not here to express the kind of deep desire of which Tony Tuff sang, but I still want to ask you and me a slightly rephrased version of some of the questions he asked. What are we here for? What are we doing here? And, if I may add, are we presently doing what we were really put here to do? To be honest, I don't immediately have any neat and ready answers. But I think it's useful to constantly engage those questions. How about you?

Me, I am known more as a creative artist, but my experiences, meditations and observations seem to strongly suggest that teaching may be my true calling. Life also seems to be gently telling me that in order to maintain sanity and enjoy more peace of mind, while fully accessing the avenues to actualising my true purpose, I have be selective about the people with whom I engage.

Yeah, peeps, we have to check our circles and ask ourselves the biblical question posed in Amos 3:3, about whether two can walk together if they are not agreeing.

Although he's several years younger than I am, I get some valuable nuggets of wise teachings from brilliant pastor and scholar the Reverend Dr Cornelius Brown. He's founder and leader of Freedom Ministry a dynamic performing arts ministry comprising talented Christians from different denominations.

Pastor Brown answers the questions by quoting his late mother, who said, "A man's calling and his friends may not be compatible. But if his friends are true friends, they'll be compatible to his calling." Think 'bout that!


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