Miss Chin and Shelly Curran part ways - Both parties say they need professionals to make things work

September 10, 2019
Artiste manager and principal of John John Music Group Shelly-Ann Curran.
Artiste manager and principal of John John Music Group Shelly-Ann Curran.
Miss Chin
Miss Chin

Two weeks after announcing that her music label John John Music Group had signed up-and-coming female artiste Miss Chin, CEO Shelly Curran has confirmed that the pair has professionally parted ways.

Curran told THE STAR that despite having high hopes for Chin, she had to make the business decision to sever ties, having realised Chin was not ready for the music business.

"I'm not wasting my time on anybody or anything that is not serious. This (John John Music) is the home of the talented and the professional. I run a professional institution and there are thousands of people around the world who want this and know how to act accordingly," said Curran.

"I'm not into any bickering. It's been over two years she's been begging me, and when you actually try to lead them and show them what to do, they don't have the attitude or the aptitude to go further, and I don't have the energy to waste."

Curran went on to say she wishes Miss Chin the best in her future endeavours. "I wanted to help her, I want her to shine, I want her to be great, but she has to want it for herself, I can't give it to her," she said.


When THE STAR contacted Miss Chin, she too called for professionalism. "I want a manager who is professional also, and I wish her the best, too," Chin said, pointing out that the short experience with Curran has left her with a preference for male managers. "I do not want anymore female managers. Right now, I'm just going to do my thing and build my career; but if I should need a manger in the future, it has to be a man and him affi be very professional."

Late last month, Chin expressed that having been an independent artiste for the greater part of her career, she believed it was time to get a team. At that time, the entertainer said she was not perturbed by the rumours swirling around about her new boss not being able to maintain healthy relationships with female clients. Chin expressed that having known Curran for some time, she understood her personality and was looking forward to the partnership.

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