Shawn Storm calls for peace on new single

June 19, 2020

Incarcerated dancehall artiste Shawn Storm has collaborated with Denham Town Records' producer 3r40 Records on a new single called Peace.

The song features a snippet from one of Malcolm X's famous speeches in the intro, and is intended to promote peace in Jamaica's volatile communities as crime continues to rear its ugly head.

According to Shawn Storm's cousin and record producer Still Yet, the song is timely. Not only does it call for unity, but it could translate on the international circuit as the fight against racism continues.

"Pointing out the country's crime problem was the main reason behind the song, but it also fits well with what's happening overseas as well. This is a time where a lot of unnecessary blood-shedding is happening, and we want to say the time has come for us to unite and cut that out. We believe we have hit the nail on the head where the message is concerned, and we hope the masses will internalise and action it," said Still Yet.

A video for Peace is slated to be released today on Shawn Storm's official YouTube page. According to Still Yet, fans can expect edgy but positive content.

Pushing positive content

He believes that when it comes to the Gaza camp, people rarely highlight the positive messages the artistes affiliated with the group send through their songs.

He's hoping this track will help bridge the gap between perception and what the group really stands for.

"People tend to overlook the positive work we put in and that's why this time around, we want to make sure our voices are heard. What is happening in our beloved country of Jamaica where crime is concerned, it will take all of us to fix it. The security forces alone can't do it. We need all Jamaicans to come on board and play their part in bringing back Jamaica to its former glory," he said.

Still Yet told THE WEEKEND STAR that in addition to Peace, Shawn Storm is also promoting his recently released rhythm , titled Full Trackle.

The project features songs from artistes such as Chronic Law, Sikka Rymes and up-and-coming artiste Gaza Publisha.

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