Dancing Rebel reflective following her parents’ passing

June 25, 2021

Coping with the loss of a parent is not for the faint of heart. For Dancing Rebel, who said goodbye to both parents late last year, the reality is sometimes too hard to bear.

Their passing really hit home for the dancer and YouTuber following the last Mother's and Father's Day celebrations.

"The seasons made me feel very emotional. I just think about all of the pain they were in. I'm not happy that they're not here but it's better that they are not suffering," said Dancing Rebel, given name Christina Nelson.

Fans flooded her social media accounts with heartfelt condolences at the passing of her mother Hilma Thomas last October. But when news broke a month later that she would be laying her father Wayne Nelson to rest, she was completely overcome with grief. "I still have flashbacks in my head daily. I don't think I am okay, I won't ever be okay. Both deaths were back to back, so my heart is broken," she said.

Dancing Rebel said that losing her parents was an eye-opener. Because she maintained a busy schedule to ensure that everything was perfect for them, she missed out on spending quality time in the process.


Despite the tragedy, the dancer who is also an entrepreneur, is on a path of healing, leaning on the support of friends to see her through this dark tunnel. They have helped her in unimaginable ways to hold her head high, and her two younger siblings motivate her to be the very best in all that she does.

On reflection, she recalled fond memories of her mom and dad. Admitting that both parents were laid back by nature, she said that her father was one with the jovial personality who would be present cheering at her performances. "I miss him mostly for his harsh truths," she said.

Meanwhile, her mother wonderfully cared for her and made her feel like the most beautiful human ever made. "Her humming would wake me in the mornings. My mama bear," she recounted. Dancing Rebel has since marked their passing by getting a tattoo in their honour. She also hopes to adopt two orphans and start a foundation.

"I know how hard it is losing the ones who brought you here. So, yes I am working on that," she added.

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