Paternity Puzzle: Cabbie wants baby girl to be his


October 16, 2015


Thirty-two-year old Joyce Clarke* and 44-year-old Bruce Lewis* are ex-lovers who are still tied together by a two-year-old child who may or may not be Bruce's daughter

Bruce, a cab driver, is adamant that the child is his. Joyce, who works as a customer care agent, says she strongly believes the child is for another man.

The two met when Bruce began transporting Joyce to and from work. At the time, Joyce was in a relationship but felt her man did not have time for her. This left room for the friendly cab driver to intervene and provide the attention which she craved.

An intimate relationship soon developed between the two, but it only lasted four months as Joyce decided to go back to her previous partner.

Shortly after reuniting with her ex-lover, Joyce found out she was pregnant but could not determine the father of her child as she had sex with both men within the same time period.

THE WEEKLENDSTAR posed the following questions to the ex-lovers.

What would you want the results to be?

Bruce: I want the results to show who the right father is, which I know is me.

Joyce: I don't want him to be the father

What would happen if the results say Bruce is the father?

Bruce: Me would appreciate that because me ready fi take care of her.

Joyce: He would have access to the child, so she can have a relationship with him and his family.

What would happen if the results say Bruce is not the father?

Bruce: Me would feel comfortable same way even though me used to mine her when she did pregnant.

Joyce: Then me can finally move on and him can stop call me phone.

Who does the child look like?

Bruce: It have my big forehead and her mother's little eyes.

Joyce: She looks like me.

What have your friends and family been saying?

Bruce: Dem say the youth a dead stamp of me.

Joyce: They are saying that we need to get the DNA done.

*Names changed.

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