Paternity Puzzle: Closure after 18 years

April 29, 2016

The highly anticipated paternity results for the winning story, 'Man's infertility issues raises concerns', for the month of February are in.

The story was published on Friday, February 19.

Kirk Wallace*, 53, and Stacy Allen*, 47, after 18 years have finally gotten closure in the matter surrounding their now 18-year-old daughter.

At the time of the initial interview, the child in question was 17.

"Based on the analysis of the DNA loci listed above, the probability of paternity is 99.9997 per cent ..." the results said.

Wallace is elated.

"A don't have words to express my feeling, I am happy."

Allen, on the other hand said, is relieved.

"I have been telling him and him say no. Mi tell him it go so, but any little thing come up, him bring it up. I feel a way when him do that, but is just because we never live together why she (daughter) end up with that name. I only hope it work out better."

Wallace told THE WEEKEND STAR that he will be apologising to Allen for not believing hethe father of their child.

He also told THE WEEKEND STAR that another thing on his priority list is to do a name change so that his daughter gets his family name.

"It can only get stronger," he told THE WEEKEND STAR.

Allen had told THE WEEKEND STAR that she was sure Wallace was the father of the child in question because her previous partner, whose name is listed on the child's birth certificate, has fertility issues.

"I am not sure the person whose name she is registered in can get any child because we try after that and it still never work, plus her complexion, looks and features on a whole are different from his."

* Names changed.

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