'God has been good to me'
Gary Reid, like many Christians, can testify that God has been good to him.
Walking with the Lord now for more than 20 years while worshipping at the Faith Fellowship Missionary Church of God at Cascade, St Ann, Reid has witnessed God providing many things for him and his family.
Now serving as a pastor at his church, Reid testified that he has been serving a miraculous God who has transformed his life, after seeing where he faced an uncertain future as a young man who had devious intentions.
"But God has been good in my life. He has been making ways for me, for my family; and He has given me many things because I have been trusting Him as my Saviour and my God. Several young people nowadays believe that if they should turn over their life to God they are going to miss out on a number of things. The best thing in one's life is when your life has a strong foundation," noted Reid.
The pastor, while telling that God has worked miracles in his life, shared that the miracles have come as a result of his access to salvation.
"The Lord has worked things well in my life through so many ways; and I have to lift my hands to Him and say to God be the glory. Even though there have been challenges, God always makes a way. I have faced temptations and have been through difficult situations like any other Christian, but I have learnt to trust God and He has seen me through," testified Pastor Reid.
Reid testified that God has stood tall for him by providing him with things whenever he is in need. He pointed out that his Master is an on- time God and he will always serve Him in spirit and in truth.
"I was going to church one night and never had even a dime to send my daughter to school the following day. I said to the Lord, 'what is this, God? You will have to come through for me'. I went to church the night and as the service was through a brother came up to me and handed me something and said I should give it to my daughter," shared Reid.
He said it was some money he gave him to give her; and his daughter did not owe the man anything. Reid testified that the money the church brother handed him for his daughter was enough to purchase her lunch and cover her travelling expenses for that day.
"I also remember having a serious need at the beginning of 2015. It was a deep financial need. I knelt down to pray and I told God the situation and asked Him what I was to do. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me that the virgin daughter of Zion laughed at me," testified Reid.
He noted that before the week was ended he saw where God started to come through for him, where blessings started to flow; and funds started to come in, in ways unimaginable. "God has been good to me; I just cannot explain how good He has been to me," bragged Pastor Reid.
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