Testimony : God always answers prayers
The Bible tells us in James 5:16 that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man/woman availeth much. Well, Sashagay Lovelace can attest to this scripture.
She testified that her father fell ill in December of 2015 when he suffered a stroke, making him unable to walk and to eat; and he had slur speech.
"He still has a slur speech but I am still trusting God to heal him. He was unable to feed himself and the right side of his body was completely dead. It has been a journey, but God has kept him and he is now able to walk. He has been trying to talk; and he has been able to do a little more talking now after not being able to talk when he got the stroke," said Lovelace.
She testified that her father was not even able to form a sentence, but she has seen a significant improvement since he fell ill in December. Her father's improvement, she strongly believes, has come about because she has been praying to God for same.
"I started to pray for his health improvement the very day he fell ill. I saw the need to pray for his health because I came to the realisation that I had no other source to depend on. I saw where my only hope for my father's improvement was from God. God holds all the power in His hands; and I have learnt that with faith comes patience," shared Lovelace, who is a Sunday school teacher.
She further testified that she has a lot of faith in God, but that she has also learnt how to wait on God for whatever He has in store for her father. She is confident that God is not working on her timing, but is working on His timing.
"God hears and answers prayers. He heard mine for my father's health condition and He answered," noted Lovelace.
Lovelace, who is currently a member of the Ebenezer Holiness Church at Ritchies in Clarendon, and who surrendered her life to the Lord 13 months ago, said she has always had a fear for God. She added that even while she was living in sin and faced funny situations, she always prayed and asked God for escape.
"I told myself that if I used to pray then, and now I am saved, why He shouldn't hear me now that I am serving Him. I know He is hearing me and He will answer me. I have strong faith in God, and because of my faith in Him I know that my concerns are being worked on by God. It is done. My father will get total healing, total restoration from God," testified Lovelace.
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