Weird News: Woman sends boob pic to boss!
Woman sent a boob picture to her boss on Snapchat, and he replied. The photo had a caption: "What you are missing this weekend." It was intended for her boyfriend, but her boss responded with a handwritten note addressing the awkward situation.
In the note, he wrote: "Hi, you probably didn't mean to send this to me, but please be more careful. I am your BOSS". (sic) The note was sure to have made the employee's return to work awkward.
Horny stag threatens safety at park
A horny stag is trapped inside a park in Croydon and residents have been told to stay away. As mating season gets underway, the sex-crazed deer is on the look-out for a companion.
The animal was first removed by rail workers after almost colliding with a train near East Croydon station.
It's now been locked in the grounds and warning signs have been posted up by the local council. According to the Daily Mirror newspaper, one sign read: "A large red deer is loose in the park.
"For your safety and the welfare of the animal do not enter the park nor attempt to get close to the deer. It is a wild animal and should not be approached.
"The deer arrived safely of its own accord and in time will leave safely. We will do all we can to keep him safe."
A student commutes from Poland to London for university to save money. Johnathon Davey moved to Poland from England for college but he goes to the University of London and chose to move to Gdansk to waiver paying huge amounts for accommodation in England's capital. He told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "It's hard to believe it's cheaper to commute 1,000 miles than live just round the corner. "But the cost of living for students is crippling. I'm thousands of pounds a year better off living in Poland. "I leave home in Gdansk and fly to Luton at 6 a.m. on Wednesdays. Because of the hour time difference, I'm sat in my first lecture by 10 a.m."
A 104-year-old granny is one of the oldest street artists in the world. Grace Brett covers Scottish landmarks in her hometown of Selkirk with her knitting creations, including park benches and telephone boxes. Grace - who has six grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren - told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "I thought it was a really good idea to decorate the town and enjoyed having my crochet included - I didn't think it was good enough. "I liked seeing my work showing with everyone else and thought the town looked lovely."