Parties keep people of Asia together

May 07, 2018
Ashya, a bartender, talks about life in Asia, Manchester.

If you decide to stroll through Asia in the southern section of Manchester during the week, it may seem like a ghost town with little or no activity taking place.

However, nothing will prepare you for the sea of persons and the vibe that you will encounter on a Thursday night.

For many Jamaicans, the weekend starts on Friday night, but for the residents of Asia, the fun starts a day earlier.

As one taxi operator, Marvin Danvers, said, "A it a one a the thing weh keep the place calm."

Danvers, who has lived in the community for more than 10 years, said that people look forward to their weekends, as there is constant fun.

He said that through these events, people are more inclined to keep the peace and have fun.

Ashya, who is the owner of one of the bars in the community, told The STAR that she is involved in a round robin. She said this is one of the reasons they have a party every week.

"Party keeps every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and we have a domino tournament that is kept on Sundays, too," she said.

Ashya said that people look forward to making money when these events are kept.

Danvers added that there are times some of the parties do not go according to plan, but the important thing is "it brings people together and a it brings the little vibes to the community".

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