Evan Black, queen of the fisherman
Anyone who visits the Montego Bay Fishermen Cooperative Society Limited along Howard Cooke Boulevard in Montego Bay will soon come to know Evan Black.
Black is not only a long-standing member of the cooperative, but also an avid fisherwoman for more than 20 years.
"I know it is a male-dominated trade, but I like everything to do with fishing, overall," said Black, who also operates a shop on property.
"Being a fisherwoman is one of the best things. It has helped me to really show my skills and potential that a woman has guts just the same as any man. Plus, I like the male world maybe because I am a woman who fathered my kids," she added.
Black boasts of being able to do hook-and-line fishing, cast nets, dive, and much more. In addition, she noted that although she did not own a boat of her own, she was fully capable of operating one.
"Remember, I have been doing this for years, so if push comes to shove, I know how to handle myself," Black told WESTERN STAR.
She said that fishing has helped her to send her children to school and has aided her in setting up her business, which now sells fry fish to cooperative members and customers.
"I would encourage anyone, even the young girls, to try their hand at fishing. Right now, my daughter likes it. She got her licence, and we are planning to buy a boat ... she likes the trade," Black said.
Black is also calling on the relevant authorities to provide more support to the cooperative by way of infrastructure development as well as equipment and resources.