Old man seeks wife

June 05, 2018

After getting divorced from one woman and losing another to the grave, 60-year-old Cordell Campbell has started an ambitious bid of trying to find a wife through the newspaper.

Campbell, who hails from Montego Bay, St James, has taken out an advertisement in the print media as he searches for a female companion in the 45-50 age group.

"I need a professional woman, a one-man woman ..." the advertisement said.

In a telephone interview with Campbell, he said that he is a church man and would like the person that qualifies for the post to be one as well.

"I don't have a problem if they go to a party but I am not a party person and it must not be often," he told WESTERN STAR. "I love music, especially classical music."

Campbell, who is a retired fire fighter, said that he is not only willing to take from the person who is going to be his companion but he will give of himself to her as well.

"The person that is going to be with me needs to be working. They need to be able to care for me, share with me and help me financially," he said.

"Whatever they need me to do, I will do it, as long as I can. Life has so many things to offer so whatever I can bring to the table for the other person, I will. At the end of the day, we need to be able to join together," he added.

Campbell said that he aims his efforts will lead to him finding a wife.

"For now I need a companion because I don't know who it is going to be. I need to get to know the person first and find out if we are compatible before anything, but the end goal is to find a person who I can marry," he said.

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