Help Kadane McKay - 16-y-o battling kidney failure

June 06, 2018
Kadane McKay
New kidneys for Kadane McKay.

SIXTEEN-year-old Kadane McKay is now in a United States hospital struggling with kidney failure. Her aunt, Carla Satchell, said her kidneys are functioning at three per cent.

"She is now getting dialysis treatment three times per week," Satchell said.

McKay, who was a patient at the Sunshine Dialysis Centre in Kingston, had to be transferred to a hospital in the United States for treatment. Satchell said that McKay is in need of a kidney transplant as soon as possible because of the seriousness of her illness.

Dainia McGregor, another of McKay's aunt, said that she has had to file for custody for her niece in order for Kadane to continue receiving dialysis as a non-United States resident. "I had to file custody for her. Custody has been granted.

"Even with my financial help and adding her to my health insurance, she's not able to have the necessary surgery needed to place an AV fistula, or even to be considered for a kidney transplant. I am currently looking into adopting her so she can become a US resident. This will help us get the assistance she will need to eventually get a kidney transplant," McGregor said in a letter.

Satchell told The STAR that Kadane, who is usually a jovial child, became distant last August while in the United States.

"She was complaining of being short of breath and she was lethargic. She nuh wah do nothing that is fun and she didn't want to eat. When we went to the doctor [in Jamaica], they told us that she had a low blood count. When they went to the hospital, they found out that she had kidney failure," she said.

She said Kadane had to be rushed off the island last month after her conditions worsened. Now in the United States, the family needs to come up with US$50,000 (approximately $6.3 million) to pay for the transplant. They are in need of help.

"We have exhausted all bank accounts on doctor visits, prescription medication and further diagnostic testings; for these reasons, we are asking for your help," McGregor said.

You can help Kadane by making a donation to Scotiabank account No. 2172544336.

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