Kenora Swaby giving thanks amid challenges

June 26, 2019

Nearly four year ago, a single mother of three, Kenora Swaby, who hails from the Farm community in May Pen, cried out for help.

Swaby, who is living with vitiligo, while battling lupus and an eye disease, has been single-handedly raising her children since the death of their father.

Overwhelmed and unable to keep up with her medical expenses, she was overjoyed when readers responded to her cries published in a Gleaner article on July 23, 2015.

Among those who assisted her was Custos of Clarendon William Shagoury, through the Clarendon Parish Development Committee Benevolent Society.

They donated material valued at almost $100,000 to build a covered stall for her.

Fast-forward to the present. Swaby's shop was built in April 2016 and stocked by National Self Serve Wholesale owner Stephen Liao; she is still making a go of the business.

"Operating the business hasn't come without its challenges ... sales slow sometimes because of the location, but I am still going on," she said.

Swaby said the profit from the shop enables her to send her three children to school, but not enough to keep up with well-needed medications.

"My biggest challenge is to buy medications," she said, adding that the National Health Fund card only takes a minor percentage off the amount. "I have to see three different specialists at UHWI, as only those know about the sickness like that."

Swaby said when she fills a prescription for 30 days, she skips days to ensure it serves her a little longer.

Right now she is having issues with her skin because of the summer heat; the cream for her skin costs $6,000.

But a confident Swaby said she doesn't worry much about those things, as she is still basking in the assistance she got that allows her to run her business.

Shagoury, who paid a visit to the shop, along with Liao, expressed pleasure at the fact that the shop is still up and running, calling it a success story.

"I'm happy she made a business out of what she got. See how the shop is stocked? I am proud of this venture," he said.

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