‘Mama Rosie’ is Rock River’s treasure

July 24, 2019
Photo by Cecelia Campbell-Livingston
Rosetta ‘Mama Rosie’ Taylor
Photo by Cecelia Campbell-Livingston Rosetta ‘Mama Rosie’ Taylor

Visit the community of Rock River in north Clarendon and ask for 'Mama Rosie' and there won't be any hesitation in being introduced to her.

Rosetta Taylor has two passions, her service to God, and taking care of the people. Both passions are linked to the community she calls home.

Taylor ensures that at Christmas time, the children are not left out. Through her family and the Rock River Foundation, she tries to ensure that the children receive toys.

During the back-to-school period, children can count on her to assist with school supplies.

Seniors are not left out, as Taylor said they are feted and pampered during the season.

"I really don't have it, but my family members are givers and they come on board and assist," she told CENTRAL STAR.

Her home has now become a spot for young people to hang out and receive counselling.

"They have the freedom to come sit and talk. I counsel them and rap about whatever issues they are having," she said.

Taylor is now on another mission, one she got the vision to do, and she is fired up about maintaining it.

"One night, I went to my bed and I had a vision to feed the people. I awoke with the need to bring it to reality," she said.

Last Thursday, Taylor boiled a big pot of chicken foot soup and went to the community's post office, and as the seniors came to collect their pensions, she was there to greet them with the warm.

Taylor, who hails from Lime Hall, Rock River, came to live in the square after marrying Samuel Taylor. More than 30 years later, she has a bond with the people that can never be broken.

A member of the Bethlehem Baptist Church in the area, she said she has been a Christian for more than 30 years.

Looking ahead, she said that there is no slowing down as she wears many hats in the community, including shelter manager and community volunteer.

What drives her is her "love of God and love for the people."

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