WHO official gives tips to safeguard against coronavirus

March 03, 2020
Persons all wearing masks commute through Shinagawa Station in Tokyo, Japan. The Japanese government has indicated it sees the next couple of weeks as crucial to containing the spread of COVID-19, which began in China late last year.
Persons all wearing masks commute through Shinagawa Station in Tokyo, Japan. The Japanese government has indicated it sees the next couple of weeks as crucial to containing the spread of COVID-19, which began in China late last year.

Last Sunday, the Dominican Republic reported the first confirmed case of the new coronavirus, named COVID-19 by scientists.

This was the first reported case of the virus in the Caribbean region. For fear of viral infections across the Caribbean, three cruise ships were turned away from Caribbean ports over the past week.

Closer to home, passengers on two cruise ships were prohibited from entering Jamaican soil last Tuesday and Friday.

Jamaica has also issued a travel ban on China, Italy, South Korea, Singapore, and Iran.

As of March 2, 2020, there have been 90,308 confirmed cases and 3,087 deaths from the COVID-19 outbreak worldwide, leaving health officials to warn that the spread worldwide is inevitable.

Moreover, they are imploring that it is time for people to prepare their homes and families, in the event that their communities are affected.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has underscored some tips for safeguarding one self from the virus that presents flu-like symptoms.

The first and probably the most important precaution advised by the WHO, is cleanliness.

WHO senior official Benedetta Allegranzi says the frequent cleaning of hands with alcohol-based hand rubbing products is essential.

"When coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with flexed elbow or use a tissue. If you use a tissue, discard it immediately into a closed bin," she said.

Moreover, people are encouraged to keep their distance away from others who appear to be sick.

"Avoid close contact with anyone that as fever and cough," Allegranzi said. But watching yourself is just as important.

"If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early, and share information about any recent travels with your healthcare provider," she said.

Cases of the coronavirus continue to proliferate in Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Mexico has reported four cases, Brazil has reported two cases and Ecuador has reported one.

More than 90 cases and six deaths have been confirmed in the United States.

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