Blind dad wants to see his children again - Hopes surgery can restore his sight

March 09, 2020
31-year-old Roger Mitchell.
31-year-old Roger Mitchell.

Roger Mitchell, 31, loves his two children with all his heart; now that he's unable to literally see them, he's distraught.

The Christiana, Manchester, resident fathers a five-year old girl and an eight-year-old boy. But since losing his sight completely last December, he fears that he will forget their faces.

"It (sight problems) started in 2013. Me born with cataract. I didn't take it as anything and me did just a work with it, and one day me find out that me a see doubles. I was working at a wholesale and I was carrying a flower bag and I just started fi see two of everything. Me go inna the bathroom and wash out me eye, and a the same thing," Mitchell told THE STAR.

Though scared at the possibility of going blind, he continued to work, hoping that he could save up some money to get his eyes checked.

"I went to UWI Hospital to do surgery and couldn't do it because of the price. So I go back a work with it and then it get worse. Then the vision start get darker and darker and me affi quit the job and siddung. I couldn't do anything," he said.

Some time after, Mitchell was able to do the surgery. He thought everything would be fine, but more problems emerged.


"After the surgery, me did start see a black spot in my eye ... both left and right. I tell the doctors and they checked and them only see the left one. When they did the surgery and done, that's when they saw the next one," he recalled.

For six years, he had to adjust. He could only see a tad bit and that was challenging. Since December, it's been worse.

"Now I can't see my children, none at all. For four months I don't see them and me nuh wah forget wah dem look like. At first, me did have little help round, but things get rough. My son ... one thing with him, him love him father. Him always deh-deh fi help me," he said, adding that his daughter lives with her mother.

According to doctors, there's a chance he could see again and Mitchell is clinging to that possibility. All he needs is money for another surgery. He is due to meet with doctors on June 2, where he will learn how much he needs.

"It usually worry me but me no need no stress pon me brain no more ... it a run up me pressure. So me a take eye drops, because if the pressure go up, it can mash up the eye and no surgery can help me again," he said.

Persons wishing to help Mitchell, can call him at 876-407-3692.

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