Swollen feet leave elderly man immobile

February 18, 2022
Donovan Grant
Donovan Grant
Grant and German are puzzled as to why his feet are swollen.
Grant and German are puzzled as to why his feet are swollen.
Marie German said that it is very costly to care for Grant but she still does it because it’s the neighbourly thing to do.
Marie German said that it is very costly to care for Grant but she still does it because it’s the neighbourly thing to do.

Nearly five years ago when Donovan Grant received a cut to his foot while walking through a section of Common, an area within Rhules Pen, Clarendon, he was not perturbed.

But today, the 70-year-old, who now lives in another area known as Dampie, has been living off the mercies of kind souls in the community. Bedridden as a result of swollen feet, he relies on their goodwill for his every need, from diapers to food. He told THE WEEKEND STAR that he has nightmares thinking about the possibility of being discarded at the infirmary in May Pen.

Grant said that in October 2017, he was walking when he felt something scrape his foot. He said that he went home and used a little rum diluted with water to wash the cut. One month later, he realised that his foot was sore and he was taken to the hospital and admitted. He was discharged in February 2018. But his primary caregiver, Marie German, said that the place he was living was in a terrible state.

"It was one little hut that he had to bend to go under when he was entering," she said. "So, everybody inna di community organise and wi try fi get this little place fi him."

Living in a new home, and with German taking him back to the doctor frequently to dress his wound, life was looking up for Grant. But for some time Grant's feet have become swollen, which severely limits his movement. He and German are confused as to why as they were not instructed to return for further treatment.

Grant said that he worked in construction when he was much younger, but has not had any means of income for years. A few caring members of the community assist with food and diapers but for the most part, German is stuck with footing the bill for his essentials, as well as disinfectant and other items needed to clean his house.

"Sometime some people wi carry some food but not all di while. But if mi don't get it, mi haffi response fi Pampers. Sometime mi get but not all di while. Pampers, gloves, mi need all those fi wash and change him," she said.

Grant, who did not speak much, expressed gratitude to all those who help to feed and take care of him. He said that he has no family to assist.

"Did you know that the vast majority of the people, more than two-thirds of the people, are not human enuh? Dem only trap inna human body," he said mysteriously. Grant said that he had no children and says that while he has sisters, no one comes to visit. The news team could not verify Grant's claims about his family's involvement.

As for his living accommodations, he said that despite being in a better condition than his previous dwelling, it needs some more work. When it rains, he gets wet and sometimes he is cold. Still, he lives in hope as he said he has not given up on seeing his foot get better so that he can once more walk again.

Persons wishing to assist Donovan Grant may contact Marie German at 876-882-9959.

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