Foundation helps former higgler after crippling stroke

August 22, 2022
President of the Harris Vision Foundation, Michael Harris, has words of encouragement for Valda Myrie following the donation of a motorised bed recently.
President of the Harris Vision Foundation, Michael Harris, has words of encouragement for Valda Myrie following the donation of a motorised bed recently.

The Harris Family Vision Foundation has come to the rescue of former informal commercial importer Valda Myrie, who has fallen on difficult times.

The foundation has provided an adjustable, motorised bed for her, as she cannot move and her caregivers are finding it more difficult to assist her. Myrie's daughter, Kayon Pandohie, said that her family was thankful for the assistance rendered by the group.

"This is a meaningful gesture, as it is very difficult for us to move her on the other bed. Now, she will be able to recline and sit up, especially when she is having her meals," Pandohie said.

She revealed that a stroke wrecked her mother's life, one which was vibrant and productive up to six years ago. Pandohie, who along with her spouse Linval Robinson are Myrie's caregivers, said that as a vendor, she travelled to different countries to buy goods to supply customers.

"I have to help cook and get her fruits and vegetables daily, as she was very good to us. So I see it as a duty to help her during her sick state," said Robinson.

Myrie's loved ones said that the family home in Cockburn Gardens, St Andrew, has not been the same since Myrie became bedridden.

"My mother was a great provider who travelled to England, Curacao, Cayman, Panama and other places to buy goods, but that stop when she got sick," Pandohie said. "She was able to feed herself, but she can't even sit up nor feed herself nowadays."

It was a neighbour, Marjorie Morgan-Harris, who decided to seek help for the 62-year-old.

"I visit the house on occasions and I realised that her health had deteriorated and as such, I contacted the foundation to get a bed for her," Morgan-Harris said.

President and founder of the foundation, Michael Harris, said that having heard of Myrie's condition, the foundation set about securing the requested item. He said that following an assessment, the bed, which is commonly used for persons in similar circumstances, was successfully secured.

"The foundation was informed of her condition by a neigbhour, and we were glad to assist with the bed," Harris said.

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