Plus-sized woman conquers fear to jump in first Carnival

April 14, 2023
Olivia Sinclair
Olivia Sinclair
Olivia Sinclair
Olivia Sinclair

For several years, Olivia Sinclair has dreamed of revelling with her peers in their feathers and gems at the annual Road March on Carnival Sunday.

But she told THE WEEKEND STAR that she refrained from 'wukking up' because of the general high price of costumes and the additional fees she knew she would have to pay to alter them as a plus-sized woman. Finally giving in to her desires, Sinclair said that this Sunday, she'll be revelling on the road just as she is.

"The few times I've looked at the costumes, I was just like 'I can't wear any of these'. All of them ... they're really skimpy and with my size, I'm not comfortable wearing that and I don't think any of these are gonna support my boobs," she said. Now taking a chance on the Moonlit Orchid costume from the Gen X band, Sinclair said that she is a little apprehensive about her inaugural carnival.

"All I need to do is to be comfortable in my costume and I will have a grand old time once there is music playing. But I like [I am] a little bit apprehensive because basically I haven't seen my final costume yet, because my seamstress is still making modifications. So I'm still a little bit anxious about how that will turn out. But I am determined to feel comfortable and not worry about how I look and my shape," she said.

"I've done like a lot of mental preparation, I'm in therapy, I made sure that I booked a session for this week. So I went already and I spoke about it, how I feel and how I might feel and how I'm coping with that and not compare my body with other women's bodies," she added.

She said that while she was in the showroom, she began the mental preparation, chanting, 'they look good and I look good and we all look good together'.

Now jumping for the first time, she told THE WEEKEND STAR that despite her own insecurities, she had no intention of losing weight for the festivities.

"I'm not a fan of diet culture, especially because it is something that I've tried and I have a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome and one of the symptoms of that is insulin-resistance and an inability to regulate insulin means that you will likely have difficulties with your weight," she said.

She continued, "I got sick at the beginning of March and so all of the fitness stuff went out the door. So I have not been physically training for carnival. So I know on Sunday I gonna dead. But in terms of preparation of my body, I was not trying to lose any weight. I was not going to do anything outside of trying to build my stamina for the walking."

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