Community unites to help primary school

May 24, 2023
Carlton Roberts from Pimento Walk, a neighbouring community, settles the concrete to pave the entrance of Parry Town Primary School.
Carlton Roberts from Pimento Walk, a neighbouring community, settles the concrete to pave the entrance of Parry Town Primary School.
Fadda Bush lends a hand by distributing mixed cement onto the school’s entrance.
Fadda Bush lends a hand by distributing mixed cement onto the school’s entrance.

Strengthening the bonds of an already close-knit community, teachers, parents and students, both past and present, congregated at the Parry Town Primary School in St Ann on Labour Day to give the institution a well-needed facelift.

Speaking with THE STAR, Principal Tamara Wilmot-Buchanan said the project was a result of donations from both parents and teachers, backed by Ian Bell, councillor for the Beecher Town Division in the St Ann Municipal Corporation, as well as Lydford Mining CEO Eddie Cousins and M&A Highgrade Trucking and Hardware.

"We came out at 9 o'clock to get the items together and persons started coming in for the work to start," she explained. Determined to stay out until the work was 'finished', the group tackled repaving the school's driveway as well as refurbishing one of the bathrooms.

Wilmot-Buchanan told THE STAR that the group had previously done roadwork, but with inclement weather, it washed away the fruits of their labour.

"It has been bad for a period of time but since the heavy rains last year, it got worst. We're working on it to ensure that persons going to the school and leaving the school have comfortable driving experience," she said. "When we fix it, they [students] will be happy and the taxi drivers will be happy. The teachers who drive will be happy, everybody will be happy because this is something that will definitely improve the area and just make traversing easier."

Though unable to physically assist, one mother of a grade six student came armed with refreshments and disposable utensils for the bunch.

She told THE STAR, "The teachers, they are like family and just the same like how them look out for me, I have to look out for them."

Sharing the close bond the residents share, Wilmot-Buchanan said, "I don't mind doing this because it helps to build a better network with the community as well, and it also creates more camaraderie between community members and the school. It's a way of building relationships. It's a time to lyme with the community members and just be."

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