‘Junglist’ to answer wounding charge

May 27, 2024

An Arnett Gardens man who allegedly attempted to rob a woman of her cell phone in downtown Kingston has been arrested by the police.

The man, Andre Robinson, 34, a vendor of Water Street, Arnett Gardens, Kingston 12, was charged with assault with intent to rob, unlawful wounding, and wounding with intent. The booking of the 'Junglist' relate to an incident that allegedly took place in West Parade on April 28.

Reports from the Central Police are that between 3 p.m., and 3:40 p.m., Robinson approached a woman who was walking along the roadway with her phone in her hand. He then grabbed her hand, demanding her cellular phone. The complainant did not comply. A tussle ensued and Robinson used a knife to stab her hand, causing a wound that bled.

A man saw what was happening and intervened, during which Robinson used the said knife to stab him in the chest. The incident was reported to the police. Both complainants were assisted to the hospital, where they were treated and released.

Robinson was arrested and charged following an investigation. He is set to appear before the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court on June 10.

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