Nothing to lose - Wadadah seek to bounce back after home defeat

June 05, 2018
File Daniel Ricketts

Wadadah's coach Daniel Rickets says his team has no option but to pick up big points on the road if they are to step up to the Premier League.

The western champions will head to Mount Pleasant, St Ann, tomorrow as they seek to rebound from Sunday's 0-3 loss to Barbican FC in their first game of the Magnum/Charley's JB JFF Premier League Play-offs at Jarrett Park.

"We have to just try and get them together this evening, show them the mathematics of what is still available because we know that other teams will definitely drop points," Rickets said after the defeat.

Wadadah failed to put away three great opportunities in the first half of Sunday's game. And in the second half, Shaquille Lewis (51st and 60th) and Locksley Reid 74th minute struck three times for Barbican to sink the western champions on their home ground.

Ricketts, who believes Wadadah were undone by indiscipline play, is convinced there is still a way back for his team which is trying to return to the Premier League.

"We have three straight games away so what we have to do is try and get positive results in those games and try to head back home with some points. That would put some confidence in some of the people's minds. We will just have to go for it because we have nothing to lose," he said.

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